Sunday, May 17, 2009

May 28, 1916


I received your letter a few days ago, but haven't been sure of what to write.

For today, I'll just tell you how I've been doing on the road and on the field.

On the 18th, we played in Washington. What an incredible city. It was great to see our nations capitol. A couple of the other players, who I will tell you about later, went on a tour and saw the White House and the Washington Monument.

We also saw the construction of the Lincoln Memorial. I believe that construction began in 1914 and will be completed in 1922.

Our game against the Class A Statesmen went very well. We on 2-0. I pitched the whole game, gave up just 4 hits and struck out 9. Coach Winston, my manager here, said that if I keep that up, I would be on the big league club in no time.

After that game, we headed back to Boston for a home stand.

I pitched on the 23rd against the Class A Terrapins from Baltimore. We won again. I gave up 9 hits and 4 runs but struck out 9 again.

And yesterday, I pitched against the Class A Blues from Indiana. They just moved there from St. Paul, Minnesota. I let up 11 hits but just one run and struck out 10. We won again. That's three in a row, and brings my record to 4-8. My 2.52 ERA is very good, though.

My next game will be on the 31st in Boston, and then we head to Chicago to play the Class A Orphans, and we stay there for a bit to play the Whales farm team.

It may be another two weeks before I can write you. Tell mother and Jack and Dot that I say hello and that I love them.


Your Son

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