Sunday, May 17, 2009

May 15, 1916


Your appointment was yesterday. How did it go? To be honest, I have been scared to write about it. I must admit that I often pretend that you are fine. It is extremely hard to be on the road all of the time and not be able to spend precious time with you.

It's been harder to keep it bottled it up. Sometimes I'm angry about it and I pitch harder than ever. Sometimes it just makes me upset and I can't concentrate.

Anyway, I'm sure you are interested in how I've been doing. We've been in Boston for two series, but in between them we traveled to Kansas City. They have a team called the Packers.

Actually, I just realized that I never updated you on the rest of my time in St. Louis. I pitched there a few days after writing you and we lost 5-1. I only struck out three and gave up nine hits.

Then, in Kansas City I pitched one game and it was the highlight of my short career. I got the win! My first as a professional. We won 6-1 and the run they scored was because of an error. I let up six hits and struck out nine.

We had a long stretch of games at home after getting back. I've pitched three times since.

I'll quickly sum it up by saying we lost all three but I pitched well in two of the three games. In one game, I had eleven strikeouts.

Write me back as soon as you can to let me know about your doctor's visit.


Your Son

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