Friday, May 15, 2009

April 14, 1915


How are you? I hope this letter finds you well.

It was fantastic seeing you last week. I know it was difficult for you to take time off of work to come visit me at school. I appreciate you doing that.

Isn't Columbia incredible?

You wouldn't believe what happened at the ball field on Thursday. We had a game against the Yale University squad. There were a bunch of scouts there, at least three. I'm not quite sure what league or team they were from. They must have been checking out some Yale players while they were here in New York.

They had this pitcher, a freshman, named Jason Burnet. I've never seen anyone like him. I saw them talking to him after the game.

We have six more games. I pitch in two days against Harvard. I hear their team is good.

Our coach, Eddie Mack, started calling me Graveyard. I still don't know why.

Anyway, thank you again for coming to see me. I will let you know how I do in my next game.


Your Son

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